Thursday, October 15, 2009

I heard someone call you bi 我听见有人叫你宝贝

You asked me why do not give you comfort.
Would not even meet for several days also does not matter.
You asked me why don reply ur sms.
Delete your picture also no regrets.
Do not say that I am doing something wrong.
Do not say you will never.
Because I inadvertently heard people call you bi.
Do not say this is a mistake.
Because I clearly heard someone call you bi.
You let him call you baby.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Clear up the Class

Today went to school do nothing cos PMR is coming and teacher never teach boringggggg....after rehat teacher call us go clear up the PMR is the photo and videos wor...enjoy~


Lantern Festival 元宵节 2009

today is Lantern Festival house got BBQ wor but never invite anyppl just for our family nice~

今天是元宵节 arr..我们有BBQ Party但没有邀请任何人只是我们的家庭巴...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Maya 2012 doomsday 玛雅预言2012世界末日

Maya said, December 21, 2012 the dark night comes after the December 22 of the dawn will never come.

Mayan prophecy, December 21, 2012 end of the world.

You may not believe it....I also like this ... Later, I saw the relevant information. Feel some strange ... do not believe that before the attitude change.

Learn the history of the pro-may know that the disappearance of the Mayan civilization, all but disappeared in a flash .. Maya .. who knows they are gone. So far, this is still a secret mission. But. Maya left us too much a problem ... 99% of their predictions have become a reality .. they predicted that the automobile, the aircraft's production date. Some of the pro-may be asking. how they will know the future, one thing which is also called the car .. is a strange place. in Egypt. a number of researchers Maya civilization. in their place to live and a number of stones found on these. They predict that the date of birth and death *** .. exactly the same ....

Three times in human history of the Holocaust ... one of the Mayan people who appeared .. even if they predict that it can not change ..... it is time .. I have said above, the disappearance of the Mayan civilization.

In accordance with the Mayan calendar, the Earth from the beginning to the end of the sun is divided into five discipline, representing five catastrophe, in which four disaster has passed.

When the fifth sun Ji season, the sun will disappear, the earth violent shaking, disaster everywhere, the Earth will be completely destroyed, according to the Mayan calendar is 3113 years, converted to the Western calendar, is December 21, 2012

Although many people have doomsday predictions, but why the Mayan doomsday prophecy said, would be subject to people's attention, because the Mayan calendar calculations, very accurate, from the Mayan calendar was informed that they knew their time for the Earth's revolution, is 365 days then another six hours 24 minutes 20 seconds, the error is very little. In addition to other stars of the running time, in the calculation is very accurate, for the mathematical "○" the number of units, as early as three thousand years ago, the Maya have been used.

And they have drawn chart. Than it is now no one should be precise ...

Maya said, December 21, 2012 the dark night comes after the December 22 of the dawn will never come ...

The destruction of their way to predict end of the world ... ... the rest of the human person committed suicide internecine .... NASA and some of the world famous Mayan language family have confirmed the predictions ..

Of course, these are not absolute .... ... the only one ... Maya said in 2012 ... a major change will take place on Earth ... that's for sure ...

Mayan Pyramid of the Sun.
(After 5 times of human civilization.)
1. Root Daya civilization, (super-powers of civilization) 1 meter, men have a third eye, emerald color, power emerald color, different functions. It is predicted that, there are lethal and so forth. . . Women no third eye, the woman afraid of man. However, there can be a woman's womb God's ability, women pre-pregnancy health to vote with the God of heaven and contacts to talk about good, women will have children. This civilization was destroyed by the sinking of the mainland.

2. Misoprostol is not daya civilization (diet Civilization) This civilization is a civilization, the last fugitive continuity. But people put things in the past forgotten, super-capacity Cancan clear lost. Men's third eye began to clear loss. They especially love eating, develop a great variety of specialists. The civilization in the Antarctic continent, was destroyed by the Earth's magnetic pole conversion.

3. Muria Civilization (bio-energy civilization) on the continuation of a civilized fugitives, and their ancestors began to notice when the plants in the germination of the energy generated by this energy is very strong improvement over a century the invention of the machine by using plants to quit This machine can zoom in energy, the civilization was destroyed by the sinking continent.

4. Atlantis associating Sri Lanka civilization (the light of civilization) a succession of civilization, here with inheritance, do not continue is because the conclusion of Sri Lanka from the Atlanta Orion colonists. They have the ability to light.

5. Civilization of our existence (emotional Civilization) will use the emotions, in December 2012 Winter Solstice extinction.

According to the Mayan long calendar (Long Count Calendar), 21-12-2012 announced it would become the end of human civilization of this day. Since then, mankind will enter and this has nothing to civilization, a new civilization. Maya did not mention what has caused the end of this civilization. One thing seems clear, this does not mean the end of day the arrival of any major catastrophe, but it implies a whole in the spirit and the awakening of awareness and transformation (Cosmic Awareness and Spiritual Transition), to enter a new civilization .


















五。我们存在的文明 (情感的文明)会使用情感,于2012年12月冬至灭绝

根据玛雅人的长历法 (Long Count Calendar),2012年12月21日将是本次人类文明结束的日子。此后,人类将进入与本次文明毫无关系的一个全新的文明。玛雅人没有提到什麼原因使本次文明终结。有一点看来很明确,这个终结日并不意味著什麼大劫难的到来,而是在暗示一种全人类在精神和意识方面的觉醒和转变 (Cosmic Awareness and Spiritual Transition),从而进入新的文明。

Monday, September 28, 2009

Back To School 回到学校

today school start again...very unaccustomed..need wake up at 6.30am ahhh...but i very enjoy school time lor...see back all my friends very happy...after school feel very tried..then go sleep lor..ZzzzZzzzz~~

今天的学校重新开始... ..非常不习惯在上午06点30分起床ahhh ...但我很享受学校的时间...看回我所有的朋友...很高兴..放学后感到非常累......然后去睡觉...ZzzZZ

Saturday, September 26, 2009

BBQ steamboat 火锅

Yay~~today father and mother got party so left me and my sister at home...haha...then my sister and her boyfriend bring me go eat BBQ steamboat..yessss i so happy..cos i very like to eat BBQ steamboat..haha...when i full also keep eating..wah~~so song...... i very like BBQ steamboat ahhhhhhh!!!!

Yay〜〜今天的父亲和母亲去宴会..留下我和我的姐姐在家里..haha..然后我姐姐和她的男朋友带我去吃火锅...Yes~~~我很高兴因为我很喜欢吃火锅...haha..我饱了还继续吃...wah~~so song..我非常喜欢BBQ火锅ahhhhhhh!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Seow Jing

Stupid Seow Jing don wan talk with me "small gas"...last time she always chat with she don choi me jor~~~~~~~~~haiz..

Seow Jing不要跟我说话d. ..这么小气...以前她总是与我聊天...现在她不采我了....haizz

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Classmate 同班同学

Want to write love letters or to gather phone numbers but answered the phone was her father.The first time, rushed to buy a breakfast for her and put on her seat . Can sit next to her is the happiest thing.What conditions also don wan change with you.Oh girl after graduation, what will become hot hair for a new makeup are there any that cute...Oh girl I also secretly loved my classmate...Too distant future, We are too naive thinking that it is always Over the past does not catch back to our 16-year-old.Turns out that I have loved my classmate...

要写情书吗还是刺探电话号码但是接电话的却是她爸爸.第一时间冲到食堂,想为她买份早餐放在她座位上能,坐在她隔壁是最快乐的事情什么条件都不跟你换.Oh 那个女孩毕业之后会变成什么样,烫了头发换了新妆,还有没有那个可爱模样.Oh 那个女孩我偷偷地爱过她.同班同学,谁能进小楼台先得月.未来太遥远我们都太天真以为就是永远过去追不回我们的16岁.那个女孩原来我曾经爱过她,同班同学.

Anyone know who is she ?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


anyone can buy me a banana and give me to eat.
cos nowday i cannot "o si" la. my mun say cannot "o si" must eat banana.
cos banana can make u "o si" easy..xD.

today so hot arr....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

eeeeee..New Blog~!

eEEeeee~~make a new blog again...hmmm this is my 3rd blog i think..haha
normally i wan put but can' i put handsomehou lor~!haha..
i know i not handsome la..but i think i i stop here...

today so hot arrr~~